
Kesällä 2014 Elina, 60, tutkija ja tunnettu feministi, eli ankeaa kautta elämässään. Hän oli vastikään menettänyt äitinsä, oli masentunut ja kärsi monista terveysongelmista. Elämä ei hymyillyt. Sattumalta hän huomasi internetissä kumppaninhakupalvelun, joka oli tarkoitettu yli 40-vuotiaille. Miksipä ei, hän ajatteli ja rekisteröityi sivustolle.

Elina alkoi pian saada romanttisia yhteydenottoja hurmaavalta mieheltä. Amerikkalaismajuri Stephen viestitteli ahkerasti, imarteli ja myötäili Elinan mielipiteitä. Nopeasti mies sai Elinan ihastumaan korviaan myöten… Kunnes ”Stephen” sanoi olevansa pulassa ja tarvitsevansa rahaa. Sydän täynnä myötätuntoa Elina lähetti miehelle rahaa, mutta samalla hälytyskellot soivat hänen päässään. Kaikki ei ollut kuten pitää.

Sydän saaliina kertoo, miksi olemme hyväuskoisia ja alttiita uhreja ammattihuijareille. Kirja paljataa nettihuijauksen tunnusmerkit ja selvittää tekniikan, mitä huijarit käyttävät. Sydän saaliina on myös vertaistukikirja, sillä Elina kertoo, kuinka hän itse selätti omat traumansa tapahtumasta.

"On tärkeää, että ihmiset oppivat tunnistamaan sosiaalisessa mediassa ne merkit, joista voi päätellä kyseessä olevan valeprofiili. Emme pääse teknologiasta eroon, eivätkä huijaukset ole teknologian syy. Huijareita tulee aina vain enemmän."


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A new book from Elina released in 2018. It is a newly edited and extended edition from the original book Love on the Line and written in Finnish. Publisher is Docendo.


“I could never find anyone as special as you are. I love you so much.”

Does this sound familiar to you? Have you ever been romanced online and later found out that it was an elaborate scam to part you from your money? Or maybe someone in your acquaintance has had this experience. Or maybe you just want to know. With the ever-expanding use of the Internet, the phenomenon of scamming is on a sharp rise.

Romance scams, sex, pornography, and human trafficking are the largest industries in the world devoid of real love and emotion. Many people experience this the hard way, having their high hopes for real romance plummet and ending up as victims of scammers and carrying their guilt for the rest of their lives.

In Love on the Line, Elina Juusola, ideas historian, committed feminist and former researcher of pornography and violence against women, reflects on how romance scams relate to the ever-expanding world of pornography, sex and romance-book industry in the world. Learn her story and know that anyone can be scammed.

The good news is that recovery is possible!

Be introduced to a creative way to transmute your negative emotions into a positive transformative experience with her method of writing your own best-possible romance story.

Join the ranks of those who contribute to the world by supporting others in the same situation. Become educated on how to navigate the pitfalls of the online romance scene, how to understand the bigger picture and how to recover from the ordeal with innovative flair.


Buy the Pink Book

We have seen first hand how Elina Juusola is a caring and compassionate person. Her book reflects a realistic, and caring approach to the subject without judgment. For those that are mostly through the process of healing, or who do not need as deep a process as our RSN Steps™ Program, her guide will be a welcome alternative. Regardless of your stage of recovery or awareness, this is a voyage of discovery that all readers should take with her.

RSN Team, Romance scams

Elina Juusola shows how recovery is possible, how we may take the reins ourselves to achieve this - even have a heap of fun with it! - and the contribution and pleasure that a mature, wise, incisive and insightful classical mind may take in the sensual pleasure of a well-matched intellect and in subsequently ....adventuring in and connecting.

Chris Henderson, Courage Catalyst and founder of Women Howling at the Moon

There’s a lot in this book that made me pause and think about my own behavior, conditioning and fantasies, how unexamined they are, and how vulnerable they could make me. This book opens up a way for each of us to constructively work through betrayal, heal ourselves and come out stronger.

Lani Morris, Co-writer of Map of Meaning

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